Saturday, January 13, 2007

The first step is admitting you have a problem...

So I did it. I went to the doctor yesterday and talked all about my psychoness and how it is 2 years later and I am still not normal. We talked about how I was feeling, if it runs in my family, what medications I took before, why I waited this long to ask for help again, etc. I sat there clutching Ethan, sobbing, feeding him a cookie and talking about everything.

As of yesterday at 3:10 I am on Lexapro. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! (seriously, I am excited) That is what I was on last time and worked well minus the sleeplessness and the sleepiness. I wouldn't be able to sleep and then when I finally did it was 6 in the morning and Ethan was up by 7-8ish and I was lethargic. So this time, per my doctors instructions, I am experimenting with the times. 3 hours after I took it yesterday I could have gone to sleep for the night. So today I am going to take it at 8pm and see how that works.

I have been in such a good mood today. No, the meds don't work that fast LOL, I just feel like I am making a positive step in the right direction. I feel as if I am really going to try to get through this and not just be a victim, not just sit there and take it.

I am off to scrapbook. That is right, I said scrapbook. I am so excited to get some done tonight, hopefully Ethan will cooperate!

1 comment:

me said...

Seen your blog on Willow Traders.....I'm on Cymbalta and absolutely LOVE it!!!!! Sending you big big hugs to get you feeling all better!