Monday, December 26, 2005

Boxing Day

For the past 11 years my husband and I have celebrated our Christmas together the day after. It was just easier since I have so much family and never have a free moment on Christmas. This will be the last year we do a big Christmas the day after as Ethan is to young to know right now but next year he will understand 'when' Christmas is. So we are so excited today, because we get to enjoy our first 'Santa' visit with Ethan. Although, we went small this year because he is so young, we still can't wait to just share the idea of Santa with him.

Hope all of you are having a Merry holiday season!

1 comment:

Mackey said...

That is cool that you had a day alone to share together Amy! Every family should still have their own traditions for themselves.

Sooooo, now it's time for New Years - keep blogging!!! LOL!!!