Tuesday, January 03, 2006

So it is official...

I am a total geek! One of my many hidden secrets that not even my hubby knows is that I am a complete 7th Heaven fan. I know, you can't believe it, a cheesy show about a reverand and his semi-perfect family. But I have been a devoted watcher since it began. So last night I was watching and I hear them say starting next week, what we have all been waiting for, the final 11 shows of 7th Heaven ever. WHAT???!!!??? It is ending? That is not possible, I didn't hear that, I had no idea! So I desperately tried to search for a good thing that will come out of this, I mean what will I record on my DVR on Monday's at 8 (other than House of course) then I remember Wife Swap! LOL

SPeaking of which I am trying to convince my hubby to do that show with me. I am not the type to apply to reality shows but this one I could do! We get money to go into someone's house and tell them how they are doing it wrong and what they should change to suit me? I AM SO THERE!

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