Thursday, January 26, 2006

Will this ever end...

So I really thought that since we signed a contract with this couple for them to purchase our home, that things would be fairly easy. But no, why would I think that it would be, do I not remember how this year has throw a million curve balls at us? I really don't want to sell to them just because of the games they are playing but what other choice do we have. The payments are killing us and we are just sinking. I really just want to be able to live a life that we can afford again. Before the baby it wasn't an issue as we both worked and we lived quite comfortably. Had I not been put on bed rest almost immediately when I got pregnant we would have spent those months using my salary as a stash rather than just the fun we normally used it for. But we didn't get that option and although we should have been more prepared since we were trying, who would think that I would get so sick? Don't get me wrong, the best thing we have is our son and he was worth every bit of it and still makes all this stress worthwhile. I just want to sell this house and be done with it. I just wish someone would tell me what the right thing to do is.

On a more happy note, my son learned how to tell me what a monkey says today. It is too cute and he even makes monkey lips when he does it. Gosh I love him. Nothing else really matters in the end does it?

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